Jumping Jack Plinth

Original Bronze

Size (inches) : 60.5 (h)
Size (cm) : 153.67 (h)
Jumping Jack Plinth
Jumping Jack Plinth
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Tobias Martin has completed many hare sculptures. Hares often symbolise fertility, rebirth and lunar mythology in various cultures. Ancient European myths link hares to the moon and spring, representing cycles of life. This might explain Martin’s fascination with them. Jumping Jack on a plinth would be a lovely addition to your home or patio. 


Tobias Martin has completed many hare sculptures. Hares often symbolise fertility, rebirth and lunar mythology in various cultures. Ancient European myths link hares to the moon and spring, representing cycles of life. This might explain Martin’s fascination with them. Jumping Jack on a plinth would be a lovely addition to your home or patio. 

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